White pillars at a court house


The Architecture of Discretion: Implications of the Structure of Sanctions for Racial Disparities, Severity, and Net Widening (Kansas)
Study finds that SCF probation statewide in Kansas reduced racial disparities in revocations and incarceration...
Managerial Justice, Community Supervision, and Treatment Mandates: The Intersection of Clinical Practice and Social Control
A book chapter argues that sanctions for technical supervision violations drive incarceration.
Key Considerations for Pre-Arrest Diversion Programs
A book chapter argues for SCF rewards and sanctions in monitoring drug use in drug courts.
Reflections on Applying Behavioural Insights to Crime: A Guide for Behavioural Scientists and Criminologists in Search of Policy Unicorns
Argues that certainty of detection and punishment are essential to situational crime prevention.
Michigan Swift and Sure Sanctions Probation Program FY 2022 Annual Report
Report suggests that studying variations in Michigan’s SCF probation programs could shed light on what...
Fentanyl is an earthquake (podcast)
The host invokes SCF responses to drug testing as a deterrent to use.
Behavioral Change, Progress, & Technology (webinar recording)
A retired specialty-court judge discusses SCF rewards and sanctions for justice-involved people with...
Costs Attributable to Criminal Justice Involvement in Injuries: A Systematic Review
SCF studies are included in a review of criminal-justice costs of injuries.
Responding to Community Supervision Violations with Alternatives to Incarceration
A review of state polices on technical violations includes SCF graduated sanctions.
Whither Rehabilitation?
A book chapter profiles SCF parole in Australia.
Examining the Impact of Jail Sanctions on Recidivism for Domestic Violence Probationers
SCF sanctions are an important component of domestic-violence courts.
Twenty-First Century Illicit Drugs and Their Discontents: Methamphetamine—The Downs of Ups, or Tweaking the Night Away
A think tank argues that SCF sanctions for drug use on supervision can reduce long-term incarceratio...
Baltimore (Mary.) State’s Attorney Ivan Bates addresses collaborative effort to tackle juvenile crime
The Baltimore City prosecutor calls for SCF responses to youth offenders.
Winnable criminal justice reforms in 2024
An advocacy organization calls for non-carceral sanctions for technical supervision violations.
Crime, Punishment, and Expectations: Evidence From the Baltimore (Mary.) Light Rail
A public-transit study found that certainty of detection and punishment reduces fare evasion more than...
Legalizing marijuana in Hawaii will cause harm
HOPE Probation founder Judge Alm, now the Honolulu prosecutor, argues against legalizing marijuana in...
Massachusetts responds to probation challenges with a different approach
Massachusetts probation uses SCF sanctions and incentives.
Criminal Evidence (podcast)
The guest discusses SCF as a promising practice in crime control.
Legislature caps length of Minnesota probation sentences
A new law in Minnesota calls for SCF responses short of revocation for technical probation violation...
Making Space for More Compassion with Fewer Rules: Reducing Conditions of Probation to Improve Successful Completion (webinar)
Two Iowa probation departments are trying imposing fewer probation conditions, to improve compliance...
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