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Four graduate from Violence Intervention Program in Cuyahoga Co., Ohio

Four graduate from Violence Intervention Program in Cuyahoga Co., Ohio

Judge Sheehan piloted the VIP after recognizing the stark reality that Cuyahoga Co. experiences large numbers of gun violence and gun-related deaths each year. VIP addresses felony offenders with gun-related specifications. The program works to train felony offenders with gun-related specifications before they become a gun-violence or even homicide-related statistic.
The pilot program demonstrated tremendous promise, and VIP received support from the Cuyahoga Co. Common Pleas Judges, the Court’s Probation Department, Cuyahoga Co. Prosecutor’s office, the Office of the Public Defender, and other agency stakeholders allowing Judge Sheehan to pursue grant funds to expand. Volunteer peer mentors, trauma therapists, and job placement agencies assisted the program to include additional participants, specifically young men between the ages of 18 and 26 from high-poverty Cleveland neighborhoods known for gun-related homicides.
The Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Affairs, awarded the Court a $750,000 grant over a three-year period to support the VIP efforts. If they complete VIP, the cases against the graduates can be dismissed, effectively allowing them a fresh start and second chance. Charges were officially expunged for four of the graduates.