White pillars at a court house


The Swift Certain Fair Resource Center (SCF Center) is pleased to award microgrants to eight organizations in support of their efforts to promote success for people on community supervision and reduce recidivism.

With support from the Bureau of Justice Assistance, a component of the U.S. Department of Justice’s Office of Justice Programs, the SCF Center will administer a microgrant program to encourage innovation in community supervision, following swift, certain, and fair principles. Through services and support such as housing, transportation, counseling and treatment, healthcare, obtaining vital records, job training, and life coaching, microgrant recipients address barriers to successful completion of community supervision.

Through a competitive selection process, eight micrograntees were chosen, based on the potential impact of their proposed projects to improve supervision practices in their jurisdiction. Micrograntees comprised supervision entities serving urban, suburban, and rural areas. The following jurisdictions were awarded microgrants:

OrganizationLocationProject NameDescription
Dallas County CommissionSelma, AlabamaH.O.P.E. Habilitative Opportunities Provided to EveryoneProvides case management, trauma-informed care, transportation, and job-readiness assistance
Isabella County Trial CourtMt. Pleasant, MichiganIsabella County SCFEliminates barriers to successful probation by providing transportation, counseling, and assistance with necessary incidentals
New Jersey CourtsTrenton, New JerseyImproving Responses to the Needs and Behaviors of People on Community SupervisionProvides transportation and housing assistance designed to reduce technical violations and sanctions and improve graduation rates
Summit County Court of Common PleasAkron, OhioSummit County Offender Recidivism Reduction (SCORR) Program EnhancementProvides transportation, training, and logistical assistance to help clients overcome barriers to success
Miami County Probation DepartmentPeru, IndianaMental Health/Substance Abuse Support & TreatmentProvides transportation, substance-use-disorder treatment, and therapy/counseling for probation clients to promote successful probation discharges
iHope, Inc.Warner Robins, GeorgiaSwift, Certain, and Fair Peer Support Transportation Services (SCF-PSTS)Provides transportation, peer-counseling certification training, and a network of resources to build a support ecosystem for clients on probation in rural jurisdictions
Kane County Court ServicesSt. Charles, IllinoisSwift Access to Treatment (SWAT)Provides mental-health and substance-use-disorder treatment (inpatient and outpatient) to assist clients toward successful probation discharges
Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Correction—Adult Parole AuthorityColumbus, OhioResponding to BarriersProvides transportation, housing, and assistance with incidentals to support successful completion of community supervision

Funding for this project made available by Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) grant #15PBJA-21-GK-02618-PRJH. BJA helps America’s state, local, and tribal jurisdictions reduce and prevent crime, lower recidivism, and promote a fair and safe criminal justice system. BJA provides a wide range of resources—including grants, funding, and training and technical assistance—to law enforcement, courts, corrections agencies, treatment providers, reentry practitioners, justice information sharing professions, and community-based partners to address chronic and emerging criminal justice challenges nationwide. To learn more about BJA, visit bja.ojp.gov or follow us on Facebook (www.facebook.com/DOJBJA) and X (@DOJBJA). BJA is a component of the Department of Justice’s Office of Justice Programs.