White pillars at a court house


Drug testing in SCF supervision
Three new papers address mandatory drug testing as a component of SCF supervision.
Toward Accountability: A Qualitative Assessment of Supervision Officers’ Responses to Noncompliance During the Covid Pandemic
A study of community-supervision violations during the pandemic finds greater use of SCF responses.
How Long Is Too Long? Task Force on Long Sentences Final Report
A task force on sentencing notes research on SCF that swift and certain responses are more effective...
The Impact of Long Sentences on Public Safety: A Complex Relationship
A study on sentencing notes that certainty of apprehension reduces the likelihood of reoffending.
A Rapid Review of Literature on Factors Associated with Adult Probation Revocations
A survey of factors associated with probation revocations includes research on an SCF program.
Effective Probation Strategies to Respond to Signals of Poor Progress on Community Supervision
A study of North Carolina probation and parole finds that officers should use more SCF incentives.
The End of American Exceptionalism: An Enlightened Corrections
A broad critique of U.S. criminal justice includes SCF.
Swiftness and severity
Research finds that longer times to arrest or sentencing are associated with greater punishment seve...
HOPE Demonstration Field Experiment
Six papers on how the HOPE DFE is an example of how science can inform policy.
Carrot or Stick? The Efficacy of Incentives and Sanctions for Improving Probation Supervision Outcomes
A review of research on SCF responses in community supervision finds mixed outcomes.
Deterring Gun Violence: Evidence from a Randomized Experiment in New York City
“Focused deterrence” in New York City entails SCF consequences for violating gun laws.
Harms of New Jersey State Parole Board technical violations: Reincarcerating people for minor infractions has a high cost for individuals and taxpayers
Calls for eliminating returns to prison for technical parole violations in New Jersey.
Specialty courts in Midland County (Mich.)
An SCF court in Michigan offers a chance to avoid prison.
Iowa has taken the lead on probation reform
Recommendations for probation reform in Iowa include SCF rewards for positive behavior.
Expanding Drug Courts and Alternative Justice Courts in West Virginia: Implementing Innovative and Restorative Justice Practices
Calls for introducing SCF responses in drug courts in West Virginia.
Colorado parole violations plunge 50% in 6 years as penalties lessen for drug, alcohol use
SCF responses to parole violations in Colorado have declined in recent years.
HOPE in Hawaii
The founder of HOPE aims to reinstate it on Oahu.
Fix football refereeing with legal theory: We could be doing this so much smarter
A civil-rights lawyer argues that SCF responses to infractions in soccer would improve the game.
Applying an Empirically Derived Effect Size Distribution to Benchmark the Practical Magnitude of Interventions to Reduce Recidivism in the USA
A systematic review of interventions aimed at reducing recidivism at the individual level includes SCF...
Ethical Issues in Probation, Parole, and Community Corrections
A scholar considers the ethics of SCF approaches in balancing the competing missions of community su...
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Swiftness and severity

Research finds that longer times to arrest or sentencing are associated with greater punishment severity.