White pillars at a court house

Legislature caps length of Minnesota probation sentences

Legislature caps length of Minnesota probation sentences

mn.gov/‌sentencing-guidelines/‌assets/‌5B-Staff-ConformingChanges_tcm30-579784.pdf revisor.mn.gov/‌bills/‌text.php?number=SF2909&version=4&session=ls93&session_year=2023&session_number=0 (see Article 19: Community Supervision Reform)

Guidelines section 3.B gives general guidance regarding probation revocations. It cautions against taking the revocation decision lightly, and urges great restraint in revoking those with low-severity offenses or short criminal histories. Conversely, it calls for less judicial tolerance for those convicted of more severe offenses or with longer criminal histories. In any case, it advises courts against reflexively revoking stayed sentences for non-criminal probation violations.