White pillars at a court house

The Impact of the Sure and Swift Sanction Program and the Length of Stay in the Program on Reducing Recidivism in the Colorado Department of Corrections

The Impact of the Sure and Swift Sanction Program and the Length of Stay in the Program on Reducing Recidivism in the Colorado Department of Corrections

Results: • Deterrent-based S&S jail sanction showed mixed results on changing offender’s behavior and ultimately recidivism. • Offenders were non-significantly found to have another violation within 6 months based on previous violation or length of Sure and Swift stay.

Policy recommendations: • S&S policy must meet the needs of the community. • Responses to parole violations must be consistent, proportional, certain, and immediate. • Limit longer than 5-day S&S sanctions, otherwise unintended consequences can occur including loss of employment, loss of housing, breaking of social bonds.