Sustaining the EBDM Model: The Indiana Story
In a new report titled Sustaining the EBDM Model: The Indiana Story, the National Institute of Corrections (NIC) reveals how, as part of a multi-phase pilot study, Grant County, Indiana, realized numerous breakthroughs in community supervision, data collection, and pretrial services by applying EBDM. Steering the county was a policy team comprising local stakeholders who worked closely with NIC to develop a set of realistic, attainable goals. They included:
- Restructuring caseloads to optimize supervision for people at the highest risk to reoffend
- Revising the probation violations process to expand alternatives to revocation
- Enhancing data collection
Based on those goals, Grant County was able to attain the following wins: - 42% decrease in people on probation being convicted of a misdemeanor
- 26% reduction in people on probation being convicted of a felony
- 19% reduction in new referrals to supervision, leaving more time to implement behavioral interventions with people at the highest risk to reoffend
A workgroup was convened to apply an evidence-based approach to noncompliant behavior: responding consistently, swiftly, and fairly to all violations in consideration of the underlying behavior, a person’s risk level, and the severity of the violation. Research-based principles were also applied to responses to prosocial behavior.