SB 642, the “Florida First Step Act,” makes changes to a number of provisions related to the criminal justice system
Alternative Sanctioning Programs
In FY 2017-18 there were a total of 64,672 technical violations reported. Many of these violations resulted in the offender returning to some form of supervision or serving a county jail sentence. Prior to 2016, the DOC developed and implemented an alternative sanctioning program (ASP) in twelve counties within six judicial circuits. An ASP allows for an alternative resolution of technical violations of probation that ensures a swift and certain response without initiating the court process or arresting and booking the offender. Section 948.06, F.S., was amended during the 2016 Legislative Session to codify the ASPs. The use of such programs has substantially increased since enactment of the ASP option. As of February 2019, 16 circuits (including 49 of 67 counties) have established ASPs by administrative order. These participating jurisdictions have resolved 3,740 violations through ASPs.