White pillars at a court house

Q&A: New Mexico House candidate Joy Garratt

Q&A: New Mexico House candidate Joy Garratt

During the last regular legislative session, there was an unsuccessful push to make it easier to keep certain defendants behind bars until trial. Should New Mexico law be changed to make it easier to hold individuals charged with violent offenses such as murder and first-degree child abuse behind bars until trial?
Yes, while we have to make it easier to hold violent and dangerous individuals in jail, we also have a duty to ensure that the constitutional rights of such individuals are protected. A key element is ensuring prompt arrest, adjudication and sentencing: “swift, certain and fair.”
What steps should the Legislature take to address crime and public safety as New Mexico faces one of the highest violent crime rates in the nation?
We must speed up the entire judicial process; swift enforcement is critical to deterring crime—prompt arrest, adjudication and sentencing. We must fully fund law enforcement, ensure officers receive the highest levels of ongoing training and consider provisions such as bonuses for retention and full life-long health coverage.