Montana SB 59 Generally Revise Criminal Justice Laws
Section 5. Supervision responses grid—report. (1) The department shall revise, maintain, and fully implement the policy known as the Montana incentives and interventions grid. The grid must guide responses to negative and positive behavior by people under supervision by the department, including responses to violations of supervision conditions in a swift, certain, and proportional manner. The grid must include guidance and procedures to determine when and how to:
(a) request a warrant or arrest without a warrant;
(b) use a 72-hour detention;
(c) initiate an intervention hearing;
(d) seek departmental approval to use up to 90-day interventions; and
(e) exhaust and document appropriate graduated violation responses before initiating the revocation process.
(2) The grid must recommend the least restrictive placement for offenders based on the result of a validated risk and needs assessment. Placement decisions must be documented in the offender’s file and must indicate any other less secure sanction options considered by the probation and parole officer before utilizing a higher level of custody.