“Michigan needs a criminal justice system that helps break the cycle of incarceration, reduces costs to taxpayers and increases safety in our communities,” said [Sen. John] Proos, R-St. Joseph. “These common sense reforms are grounded in successful programs from other states and sound evidence-based research. They address the way that we keep our young people from engaging in a life of crime, head off those who have started down that road and successfully rehabilitate offenders who have been sentenced to prison.”
SB 08 [ legislature.mi.gov/documents/2017-2018/billengrossed/Senate/htm/2017-SEBS-0008.htm] provides for the use of evidence-based supervision practices for probation and parole supervision, including swift, certain, proportionate, and graduated responses to compliant and noncompliant behaviors.
SB 16 [legislature.mi.gov/documents/2017-2018/billengrossed/Senate/htm/2017-SEBS-0016.htm] creates the Parole Sanction Certainty Act, similar to the existing Swift and Sure probation sanctioning program, to help parolees avoid returning to prison by participating in a program that prepares them for life on the outside.
SB 23 [legislature.mi.gov/documents/2017-2018/billintroduced/Senate/htm/2017-SIB-0023.htm] expands Swift and Sure eligibility as a voluntary program and allows courts to accept participants from other jurisdictions.
SB 24 [legislature.mi.gov/documents/2017-2018/billintroduced/Senate/htm/2017-SIB-0024.htm] designates Swift and Sure as a specialty court.
[More analysis at legislature.mi.gov/documents/2017-2018/billanalysis/Senate/pdf/2017-SFA-0005-A.pdf]