Michigan Laying Plans to Put New Criminal Justice Laws to Work
Judge Thomas Boyd, who serves on the Ingham County District Court, disagrees with this new part of the legislation.
“I don’t know what motivated the Legislature to create that concept,” Boyd said in regards to the 30-day limit on incarcerating parole violators, which he said “reduces the judge’s discretion to treat every individual defendant as an individual.”
[Wayne County Circuit Court Judge] Cameron, on the other hand, said he supports the policy changes across the board. This including the creation of the new Parole Sanction Certainty Act, as well as the designation of the existing Swift and Sure probation sanctioning program as a specialty court.
“We appreciate the Legislature’s efforts prioritizing rehabilitation and efficiency in the criminal justice system,” Cameron said. “For years, Michigan courts have supported legislative efforts in specialty courts that divert nonviolent offenders from unnecessary incarceration.”