White pillars at a court house

It’s no longer criminal to commit a crime

It’s no longer criminal to commit a crime

In addition, not one of the many concocted rehabilitation programmes run for offenders over the last 50 years, for example, Intermediate Treatment schemes, Day Centre programmes, ‘What Works’ programmes, Drug Testing and Treatment Orders, Drug Intervention Programmes, Prolific Offender Units, Intensive Supervision programmes, Restorative Justice programmes, the Troubled Families Project, to name but some, has had the slightest reformative effect on offenders referred to them. In some cases their offending has increased after attendance on these schemes (5). Government rehabilitation drug schemes aimed at persistent criminals have a long history of failure and it’s no wonder.
None have applied the only methodology proven to work, the key example of which is the Hawaii HOPE (Hawaii’s Opportunity Probation with Enforcement) ‘Swift and Certain’ rigorous, uncompromising and intensive project.
Its zero tolerance principles and practice are entirely lacking in British so-called supervisory and rehab programmes.