White pillars at a court house

Criminal Justice in the 21st Century: Improving Incarceration Policies and Practices in Allegheny County (PA)

Criminal Justice in the 21st Century: Improving Incarceration Policies and Practices in Allegheny County (PA)

It is important to note that the county’s plan expects nearly 65 percent of its jail population reduction goal to come from expedited court processing. This ties back to the Criminal Justice Task Force report, which had recommended that the Court of Common Pleas take steps to enhance both fairness and cost-effectiveness by disposing of cases within time frames that are equal to or better than national standards; reducing the length of probation terms to be consistent with national standards; eliminating the use of consecutive probation terms; using graduated sanctions that are fair, swift, and certain for probation violations; and assessing court fines and fees on a sliding scale that reflects a person’s ability to pay.