October 11, 2016
Rochester Crime Stoppers: Swift, Certain, and Fair (Video)
The Monroe County (NY) Office of Probation explains a new SCF initiative to reduce gun crimes.
September 22, 2016
Criminal Justice Reform and the GOP
This article highlights states’ SCF community supervision models.
September 19, 2016
The Interesting Thing That Happened When Washington State Tried an 18th-century Version of Justice
SCF participants in Washington State commit fewer new crimes and are less likely to be re-sentenced to prison when compared to participants under traditional supervision, according to a 9,000-person study led by the Washington State Institute for Criminal Justice.
September 17, 2016
"Strong Opinions" Expected on North Dakota Bill Draft for Incarceration Reform
The North Dakota Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation estimates there will be a 75% increase in the state’s prison population in the next ten years. State legislators have introduced reform bills, some of which include SCF probation, to reduce the growing need for prison space.
September 15, 2016
What to Do About Heroin Addicts Who Keep OD’ing
Drug Court with SCF responses is a way to divert heroin addicts who habitually overdose to treatment instead of prison or the streets.
September 12, 2016
Swift and Certain Approaches to Family Violence Sentencing
The Victoria (Australia) government is considering implementing an SCF approach to family violence. The model would include behavioral contracts, swift and equitable enforcement of consequences for non-compliance, and a minimalistic approach to punishment.
September 6, 2016
Learning About Probation from Client Perspectives: Feedback from Probationers Served by Adult Redeploy Illinois-Funded Program Models
A study in Illinois relates probationers' perspectives on several different supervision models.
September 1, 2016
Missing Fugitives: An Interactive Look at the Dangers of Losing Track of Probation and Parole Violators
Budgetary constraints and other factors can cause agencies to lose track of probation and parole violators, who may commit violent crimes. The Post-Gazette has published an interactive special report on the issue.
August 1, 2016
Swift, Certain, and Fair Sanctions: An Innovative New Programme or False HOPE?
This article explores whether or not a Swift, Certain, Fair program would work in New Zealand. The differences between the New Zealand and US criminal justice systems, as well as the potential benefits and drawbacks of attempting an SCF-based program in another country, are discussed.
August 1, 2016
Criminal Justice Reform at the Crossroads
This paper argues the merits of criminal justice reform, including allocating funds for treatment options for drug and alcohol-dependent individuals, and integrating SCF-based policies to incentivize completing drug and alcohol rehabilitation programs.
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