White pillars at a court house

Louisiana 2017 Legislative Agenda

Louisiana 2017 Legislative Agenda

Address Gaps and Deficiencies in Swift, Certain and Proportional Sanctions: Direct the Department of Corrections to incorporate incentives into its administrative sanctions grid, eliminate jail sanctions for the lowest level violations of supervision conditions, and reduce administrative jail sanctions for the other categories of violations. Expand eligibility for administrative sanctions to include probationers and parolees who are arrested on charges that are not violent, sex, or related to domestic violence. Authorize Act 402 sanctions for all noncriminal violations and for all probationers and parolees regardless of their underlying offense, and reduce their length of stay. Resolve discrepancies for revocation and intermediate sanction policies as they apply to people on probation and those on parole supervision, and apply the same good time calculation for revocations as for newly sentenced prison admissions.
SB 139 at legiscan.com/LA/text/SB139/2017